Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
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Mark Your Calendars!
CIBA Winter Seminar
Saturday, March 18, 2023
All day event!
Updates for this seminar will be available on this page, as well as in the following publications:
Iowa Honey Producers Association BUZZ
Central Iowa Beekeepers Association BEELINE
COVID-19 and Influenza
If you would like to wear a mask, you are welcome to do so.
New Location This Year!
Iowa Arboretum & Gardens
1875 Peach Ave
Madrid, Iowa 50156
Registration limited to first 160
Pre-registration is required - no ticket sales at the door the day of the seminar.
The completed form and payment must be received by Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Plan accordingly!
Seminar occurring rain or shine!
Registration form and payment must be mailed in if paying by check, or the completed form emailed to the CIBA treasurer if paying through Paypal.
Registration includes the full program, a catered lunch (served buffet-style) from Smokin' Big Dawgs BBQ and Catering in Ames, Iowa, drinks and snacks.
- Pulled pork or smoked turkey sandwich with IA comfort sides
- Snacks at breaks included in registration
- Cost of registration:
- ​$35/per person​ if NOT a member of the CIBA organization.
- $30/per person if a member of the CIBA organization (paying annual dues).
- ​You must be a member of the CIBA organization to get the discounted price. ​
$20/per person if a student (College or K-12)​​.
Doors open at 8:20 AM
Programs start at 8:45 AM
CIBA = Central Iowa Beekeeping Association
IHPA = Iowa Honey Producers Association
8:20 – 8:45 AM Registration
Morning session (Jamie Beyer, CIBA President, morning moderator)
8:45-9:05 AM
5-minute Welcome and housekeeping Jamie Beyer)
Short introduction of 2023 CIBA Royalty and other noted guests (Jamie Beyer
and CIBA Queen Committee Chair) -
5-10 minute IHPA update (Jason Foley, IHPA President)
9:00-9:50 AM
Andy Joseph (IA Department of Ag. and Land Stewardship)
Iowa Apiary Update
9:50-10:15 AM Break
10:15-11:15 AM
Keynote Speaker - Dr. Judy Wu-Smart (UN-Lincoln)
Spring management basics--for places with real winters
11:15-11:45 AM
Kurt Rueber (IA Department of Inspections and Appeals)
Recent changes in marketing honey​
11:45 - 12:35 PM
Lunch on site
Catered by Smokin’ Big Dawg BBQ (Ames, IA)
Afternoon session (2023 CIBA Royalty/CIBA Vice President, afternoon moderators)
12:35 – 12:55 PM
Dr. Kristen Clark (Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium)
The Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium and Locating a Bee Vet Near You
12:55 - 1:25 PM
Shelby Little (UN-Lincoln)
The Basics of Comb Honey Production
1:25 - 2:25 PM
Keynote Speaker - Dr. Judy Wu-Smart (UN-Lincoln)
Beekeeping tips for minimizing injury and disruption
2:25 - 3:10 PM
Dr. Mike Simone-Finstrom (USDA, Agricultural Research Services)
Breeding Bees at the Baton Rouge Bee Lab: Integrative approach to control
Varroa and improve colony health (via Zoom)
3:10 - 3:30 Break
3:30 - 4:00 PM
Pat Ennis (P&P Honey, Goodell, Iowa)
Introducing Bee Colonies - Packages vs Nucs
4:00 - 4:30 PM
Peggy Ennis (P&P Honey, Goodell, Iowa)
What To Do with Your Beeswax
4:30 PM Jamie Beyer wrap up and closing remarks
The registration form links are below. You will receive verification of your registration via email or mail.
Payment by check - Download the OPTION 1 form located in the REGISTRATION FORMS section, complete the eform, and:
Print and mail with a check (mailing address is on the form).
The completed form and payment must be received by Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Plan accordingly!
Payment by check - Download the OPTION 2 form located in the REGISTRATION FORMS section, print, handwrite to complete, and:
Mail in with a check (mailing address is on the form).
The completed form and payment must be received by Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Plan accordingly!
Payment through Paypal - Download the OPTION 1 form located in the REGISTRATION FORMS section, complete the eform, and send the form to the CIBA treasurer via email centraliowabeekeepers.treasurer@gmail.com.​
Pay the registration fee via the appropriate PAYPAL button (buttons are associated with your registration situation) below, based on whether non-CIBA, CIBA member or a student.
When saving your completed form, name the file including your own name, so our treasurer can easily associate the registration form with your Paypal payment.
The completed form and payment must be received by Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Plan accordingly!
Option 1: Fill in the form on your computer, save to your computer or print the completed form
If you paid through Paypal, and are emailing the form to the treasurer (centraliowabeekeepers.treasurer@gmail.com), as you save the file, name the file including your own name so the treasurer can quickly associate your registration form with your Paypal payment.
Option 2: Print the form; handwrite to complete the form.
Donald Sievers
(515) 460-6004​
Non-CIBA Member Payment $35
CIBA Member Payment $30
Student $20
Dr. Wu-Smart leads the UN-L Bee Lab where she and her team have been developing a robust pollinator health program focused on the Great Plains region to help beekeepers, scientists, policy makers, and land managers understand the underlying stressors challenging bee health, such as exposure to pesticides.
Dr. Judy Wu-Smart
Associate Professor & Extension Specialist
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Dr. Mike Simone-Finstrom
Research Molecular Biologist
Agricultural Research Service, US Dept. of Agriculture, Baton Rouge, LA
Dr. Simone-Finstrom has been at the USDA Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Research Unit since 2015. He earned his PhD at the University of MN, where he pioneered a line of work devoted to understanding the impacts of antimicrobial resin use by honey bees on colony health. Mike earned a post-doc position and fellowship jointly with NC State University and the Univ. of PA on topics ranging from queen quality to migratory beekeeping to social immune defenses in honey bees. His current work aims to understanding how honey bees can be made stronger, healthier and more productive using their own natural defenses and how these traits work in concert in order to promote them within the beekeeping industry and identify components of viral resistance in honey bees.
Andy Joseph
IA State Apiarist
Entomology & Plant Science Bureau, IA Department of Ag. and Land Stewardship, Ankeny, IA
Andy has been with IDALS as the State Apiarist for 15 years. As such, he oversees the Apiary program which is a combination of regulatory certification, beekeeper education efforts, and promotion of the beekeeping industry. He travels the state working with beekeepers. Additionally, with his family, he runs about 270 bee hives in the Des Moines area as Meadow BlazingStar Honey. Andy enjoys leading a beginner beekeeper class annually in Central Iowa, is the Apiary Superintendent at the IA State Fair, and serves on the Board of the IA Honey Producers Association.
Kurt Rueber
Senior Environmental Specialist
Food and Consumer Safety Bureau, IA Department of Inspections & Appeals, Des Moines, IA
Kurt serves as the Small Food Processing Lead for his bureau. Kurt has spent most of his career working with food safety, quality control and good manufacturing practices.
Pat & Peggy Ennis
P&P Honey and Bee Supply, Goodell, IA
Pat and Peggy own and operate P&P Honey from their home in Goodell and tend over 500 hives as part of their apiary business. Pat has been keeping bees since 1980, starting in Wisconsin where his biggest challenge in beekeeping was bears. He has worked commercial bees in Hawaii and Iowa before starting his own commercial beekeeping business in north central Iowa. Peggy is experienced in many facets of turning products of the hive into saleable items--winning several blue ribbons at the IA State Fair for those products. Pat is a former IA Honey Producers Association Vice President and then President and for many years has taught a beginning beekeepers class in the Mason City area. P&P Honey sells package bees, nucs, queens, honey and beekeeping supplies, including hive equipment of their own design and manufacture.
Shelby Kittle
Master Program
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Shelby is a former NE Beekeepers Association Youth Scholar and State Honey Queen (2018). She has 9 years of beekeeping experience. Shelby took part in the undergraduate creative activities and research experience (UCARE) program studying the effect of foundation ratios on comb honey production. She’s now assistant apiary manager overseeing production for roughly 100 research/teaching hives, including comb honey production.
Dr. Kristen Clark
Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium
The Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium and Locating a Bee Vet Near You
Dr. Kristen Clark is a public health veterinarian dedicated to the promotion of human, animal and environmental health. She holds her BS in Zoology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees from Iowa State University (ISU), her Master of Public Health from the University of Minnesota, and is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. In addition to working in private practice, she previously served as the State of Iowa’s foodborne epidemiologist and coordinator for food and feed emergencies. In 2015, Dr. Clark began her employment with ISU as a Veterinary Specialist with the Center for Food Security and Public Health. In 2021, she began serving in her current role as ISU’s inaugural University Public Health Coordinator where she oversees campus public health operations for all faculty, staff and students. As a hobbyist beekeeper since 2015, she enjoys combining her passion for honey bees with her professional role as a veterinarian. She has presented across the U.S. on topics in honey bee medicine and has contributed to multiple publications including the recently published textbook “Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner” (eds. Kane/Faux, Wiley Press, 2021). She is active in the Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium, previously serving as Education Committee Chair, President-Elect, and currently serving as President. In addition, she is presently the President-Elect for the Iowa Veterinary Medical Association. She is a proud farmer and lives just outside of Ames, IA, with her family and fibered, feathered, furry and buzzing menagerie better known as the Happy Bottom Homestead.