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CIBA Committees

We would love for you to join us in a volunteer role serving on one of our committees. Whether you have one day or 30 years of beekeeping experience, we want to grow as a club and the best way to do that is with our committees and the help of our great members.  New and fresh ideas will only help to further our goals and vision of keeping and making CIBA the best beekeeping club around!


All of our current committees are provided below with the name of the current chairperson.  If you are interested in joining one of the committees, reach out to the committee chairperson.  Chairperson contact information should be available on our Officers, Directors and Committees page.  If you find that the contact information is not available, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page to gain assistance.  


Read more about providing service to your fellow beekeepers on the Volunteering page!


Auction Committee

Planning and carrying out the annual auction, which includes finding locations along with set-up and other logistics. Time commitment: Monthly meetings with some additional at times. 


Chairperson:  Mark Moberly


Bee Yard Committee

A new program that will be a learning resource for CIBA members and public education. This program will depend on the nonprofit 501c3 status for CIBA because this program chair will obtain liability insurance to cover the bee yard. 


Chairperson: TBD


By-laws/Articles of Incorporation 501c3

Manages annual revisions of CIBA By-laws and works with volunteers to help gain nonprofit status for our organization. 


Chairperson: Jamie Beyer


Food Committee

Provides food and/or snacks and drink choices at quarterly meetings and the Winter Seminar. Time commitment: depends on needs of program committee. 


Chairperson:  Keri Kenoyer


Marketing Committee

Manages how CIBA markets its programs in various media outlets. Requires collaboration with most committee chairs to ensure needs are met. Time commitment: daily checks and posts to keep all informed via social media and any outlets. 


Chairperson: TBD


Mentorship Committee

This is new! Members will define program parameters, working closely with the Bee Yard chair because the Bee Yard will be a resource for beekeeper education. This committee will engage with club members to determine mentoring needs and work with new beekeepers each year. Time commitment: Monthly meetings with some additional at times. 


Chairperson: Val Just


Newsletter Committee/Website Committee

Oversees and provides content for CIBA website; also provides content for the quarterly BEELINE newsletter that is distributed to CIBA membership and Iowa beekeeping clubs. Meetings as needed. 


Co-Chairs: Val Just and Laura Miller


Program Committee

Planning quarterly meetings and the Winter Seminar. This includes finding speakers and locations for meetings. Time commitment: monthly meetings with some additional as needed. 


Chairperson: Don Moody


Queen/Ambassador Committee

 Interview potential candidates and assist current queen/ambassador throughout the year providing resources and guidance. Time commitment: 30 minutes per month with some months additional. 


Chairperson: Keri Kenoyer


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