Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
November Face-to-Face Meeting
November 18, 2023, 1:00 PM
Reserve this date - we hope you will join us! You do not need to be a CIBA member to attend, but we hope this meeting will entice you to join our organization!
Northridge Baptist Church, 3700 6th Avenue, Des Moines
NOTE: Park in the lot on Clinton Avenue but enter the building by the door near the alley (not Clinton Avenue), where there is a wheelchair ramp. Picture below to assist in identifying the church entrance:
Business Meeting
We’ll have a short business meeting, followed by a program presented by Phil Westra, Westra Apiaries, Sanborn, IA. Please see more information about Phil and his beekeeping practices below.
With 2024 elections looming in January 2024, please consider becoming involved with CIBA by joining a committee or becoming an officer or director—your CIBA is certainly one of the most active bee groups in the Midwest. The time you spend as a CIBA volunteer and leader will be beneficial to you and the association. You could engage with Don Moody at this meeting to obtain more information!
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Gandhi
Raising Mite Resistant Bees​
Phil Westra is a pastor in Sanborn, IA and a sideline beekeeper who runs Westra Apiaries. He learned the art and science of beekeeping in Vermont, where he lived from 2012 to 2020, and considers himself a disciple of Michael Palmer's model for sustainable apiaries. A non-migratory beekeeper who raises queens, overwinters nucleus colony, and sells honey, Phil has been steadily increasing VSH traits and decreasing the need for Varroa treatments in his colonies.
Phil will talk about his breeding experience in raising mite resistant bees, Raising Varroa Sensitive Hygienic (VSH) Bees, as well as provide advice on varroa treatment, detection and other topics on how to address mite issues.
His apiary website is westrabees.com. Read more about Reverend Westra here.