Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
September Face-to-Face Meeting
September 17, 2022, 5:00 PM
Reserve this date - we hope you will join us! You do not need to be a CIBA member to attend, but we hope this meeting will entice you to join our organization!
COVID-19 Recommendations
We are recommending that everyone wear a mask, since this meeting will be indoors.
Northridge Baptist Church, 3700 6th Avenue, Des Moines
NOTE: Park in the lot on Clinton Avenue but enter the building by the door near the alley (not Clinton Avenue), where there is a wheelchair ramp. Picture below to assist in identifying the church entrance:
Light supper and refreshments served at the meeting
If you can bring a dessert, contact Keri Kenoyer, food committee chair
Text: (515) 490-2011
Email: kenoyerfarms@gmail.com.​
Business meeting starts at 5:00 PM
Special Election
Speaker presentational information below.

Winterizing Your Hives
We’ll have a short business meeting with updates on many activities happening in CIBA, including a special election to fill a vacant seat on our board of directors. The program will follow, featuring a panel of tenured Iowa beekeepers.
When the cold winds blow and the ground is white, you’ll be glad you prepared your colonies for an Iowa winter. But that work starts long before temperatures drop. What can you do to give your colonies the best chance of survival? We’ve lined up a panel of Iowa beekeepers to answer your questions and offer advice based on years of experience. They are:

Arvin Foell (top picture) of Kelly is a CIBA member (former CIBA president) and an inspector for the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s apiary program. His inspections certify that hives are free of disease, a requirement when bees are sold or travel out of state. The program also has a large educational component which he most enjoys. Arvin also has kept bees for more than 40 years, though he’s cut back in recent years.
Bob Fassbinder (bottom picture) of Elgin started keeping bees in 1976, after graduating from Iowa State University with an engineering degree and serving in the U.S. Navy. Fassbinder Apiaries is a family business based in Elgin in the northeast Iowa county of Fayette. Bob is an innovative and passionate beekeeper, proactive in promoting land stewardship and a diverse landscape for bees. He has worked to improve the genetic health of his bees by selecting successful local colonies and producing his own queens.
Craig Greene (no photo) of Knoxville has been keeping bees more than 20 years, once having nearly 50 hives. Craig is very resourceful and successful in overwintering hives in Iowa. He has been a leader in the Backyard Beekeepers as well as other groups in southern Iowa.