Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
January Face-to-Face Meeting
January 21, 2023, 1:00 PM
Reserve this date - we hope you will join us! You do not need to be a CIBA member to attend, but we hope this meeting will entice you to join our organization!
COVID-19 Recommendations
You are welcome to wear a mask, since this meeting will be indoors.
Northridge Baptist Church, 3700 6th Avenue, Des Moines
NOTE: Park in the lot on Clinton Avenue but enter the building by the door near the alley (not Clinton Avenue), where there is a wheelchair ramp. Picture below to assist in identifying the church entrance:
Business meeting starts at 1:00 PM
Election of officers​
Revised By-laws
Annual Fiscal Report
Introducing the new 2023 CIBA Honey Queen!
After the business meeting, ISU Associate Professor, Amy Toth, will present the program 'Am I at risk for a bee sting allergy? What science has to say about it'.
Be sure to read Dr. Toth's bio below. ​
Be sure to this meeting on your calendar. We provide plenty of time at our events to meet other beekeepers, visit and “talk all things bees.” And, like any other CIBA meeting, you can expect to find a lot of great food.​

Amy Toth
Amy Toth is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology and Entomology at Iowa State University. Amy is interested in the mechanisms and evolution of insect sociality, using paper wasps and honey bees as model systems. Current research projects involve de novo sequencing of paper wasp genomes and transcriptomes, comparative genomic analysis of Hymenoptera, genomic and epigenetic mechanisms regulating caste evolution, and the influences of nutrition and viruses on honey bee behavior and health. Amy received her PhD from the University of Illinois with Gene Robinson, and did postdoctoral work with Christina Grozinger at Pennsylvania State University.