Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
Saturday, July 20, 2024 CIBA Summer Field Day
Don't Miss Out on This Learning Opportunity!

Join us for CIBA’s 2024 July Field Day! Don Moody and his program committee are buzzed with excitement to be able to welcome you back to our organization's field day! Join us on Saturday, July 20th, for a CIBA Summer Field Day!
Pictured is CIBA's 2023 Field Day - inside presentations at the Arboretum!

Pictured is one of the 2023 field day hand's on small group rotations during the morning - field day demonstrations and learning sessions!
The day includes a morning of hands-on, up-close-and-personal outdoor stations. The stations will be led by expert beekeepers Mike Sanders, Jamie Beyer, Alex Ebert, with the cooking experts yet to be determined. The afternoon features presentations in the air-conditioned comfort of the main arboretum building.
This event is open to anyone so bring a friend!
We request that you register for this event to ensure CIBA has enough lunch and break refreshments, and can plan appropriately for the entire event.
Wear your bee suit and be ready to have fun! Proceeds from CIBA’s successful Winter Seminar are being used to defray costs. This is also a great opportunity to join CIBA for half price and become part of a worthwhile organization!
Event Details
Saturday, July 20, 2024
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Iowa Arboretum & Gardens
1875 Peach Avenue
Madrid, Iowa
8:30 – 9:00 AM (in the lobby of the Hughes Education Center, Iowa Arboretum)
Morning session
9:00 – 9:10 AM Welcome and organization Jamie Beyer, CIBA President (in the Hughes Education Center meeting room)
Field Day Demonstrations and Learning Sessions (in various locations on the grounds)
9:10 – 10:00 AM First rotation
10:10 – 11:00 AM Second rotation
11:10 – noon Third rotation
1. Honey Extraction
Mike Sanders
2. Hands On Mite Control
Oxalic Acid Vapor - Jamie Beyer
Swedish Sponge: The process from mixing to application – Alex Ebert
3. Cooking with Honey
Noon – 1:00 PM Lunch on site, provided by CIBA (in the Hughes Education Center)
Afternoon session Jamie Beyer, moderator (in the Hughes Education Center meeting room)
1:00 – 1:05 PM Speaker introduction
1:05 – 1:50 PM Randall Cass
Inspecting hives, Disease and Pests
1:50 – 2:00 PM Break
2:00 – 2:50 PM Tara Van Waus
Iowa DOT past and current integrated roadside vegetation program; specifically pollinator efforts.
Species in the Iowa DOT mixes that benefit pollinator species
Resources available at Iowa DOT (Living Roadway Trust Fund, Federal Highway Program)
How can you help? (local level)
Iowa DOT past and current integrated roadside vegetation program; specifically pollinator efforts.
Species in the Iowa DOT mixes that benefit pollinator species
Resources available at Iowa DOT (Living Roadway Trust Fund, Federal Highway Program)
How can you help? (local level)
Iowa DOT past and current integrated roadside vegetation program; specifically pollinator efforts.
Species in the Iowa DOT mixes that benefit pollinator species
Resources available at Iowa DOT (Living Roadway Trust Fund, Federal Highway Program)
How can you help? (local level)
2:55 - 3:40 PM David McKinney Iowa Arboretum
Relationship of perennial's to pollinators
Overview of the history and purpose of the Arboretum
3:40 – 3:50 PM Wrap up Jamie Beyer
Continue to monitor the site as we work with our speakers for updated pictures and bios!
Things to Remember to Bring!
Protective bee gear to your liking, as we will be working with bee hives, and you will have opportunity for hand's on experience!
Water/beverages/water bottles for taking outside to the station
Sunscreen, hats, for sun protection, as needed.
No need to bring lunch or snacks! CIBA will be providing both!
Contact Us
If you have questions, contact:
Don Moody, CIBA Vice President
Call: (515) 770-5754
Email: ds.moody1@hotmail.com