Central Iowa Beekeepers Association
Bee Happenings with the Ames High Bee Club
Jamie Beyer and Linn Wilbur assist the Ames High School Bee Club with maintenance on their bee colonies. The club currently has three colonies, and all three of their colonies that went into winter, survived, and actually came through very strong and healthy.
On April 30th the club members met at their apiary, which is located at a residence near the Ames High School. Jamie and Linn demonstrated to the club how to manage brood removal without removing the queen.
Together, they removed 3 deep and 6 medium frames of brood. All of these frames were sold for making nucs. It was a great learning experience for the club members! Take a peek at pictures below!
To learn more about the happenings with the club, and these passionate young people, go to their website.