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You have found the Central Iowa Beekeepers Association (CIBA) organization in central Iowa.  CIBA has been promoting beekeeping and honey bees since 1947!  With over 125 members, CIBA serves beekeepers no matter the stage of their beekeeping journey - embarking on this adventure, enjoying the craft for decades or gaining livelihood as a commercial beekeeper.  

If you need a speaker to present information on honey bees and beekeeping, need some answers about your own colonies, or need social engagement with other beekeepers, you are in the right place!

We invite you to explore our website, learn more about our group and the services we provide members and the community,  and revel in the remarkable world of the honey bee!  

  U P C O M I N G    E V E N T S ! !

  M E M B E R   M E S S A G E   B O A R D 

CIBA Club Meetings/Communications

CIBA meets 6 times annually, the third Saturday every other month. During active beekeeping season (May and September), they are late afternoon or early evening; in off-season (November and January) they are early afternoon. The March winter seminar and July field day are full-day events.

The official CIBA newsletter, the BEELINE, is published four times a year on the first day of January (Winter, beginning in 2023); March (Spring); May (Summer) and September (Fall). A special Student Edition is published each January for people enrolled in central Iowa beekeeping classes.

CIBA members also receive the CIBA Newscast email from the president on months when the BEELINE is not published (not available for members who choose to receive CIBA info only via USPS).

CIBA Bee Bits, an email newsletter with helpful hints about beekeeping, comes out the 15th of each month (not posted on the CIBA website and available only for CIBA members who receive CIBA info electronically).

  R E S O U R C E   
R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S !  

  L O O K I N G   F O R   M O R E   B E E K E E P E R S !  

Todd Roberts Apiary.jpeg

Ready to Join CIBA?  


GOOD NEWS!  If you join mid-year and thereafter, you get 50% off the membership fees!

You certainly don't want to miss our next field day!  Pictured is our 2021 field day at Todd Robert's apiary (left) and Andy Joseph's apiary (right), both near Bondurant, Iowa.  

Membership dues fund our website, provide educational opportunities afforded all beekeepers through this site, meetings, field days and winter seminars as well as various community services.  To continue the support that we provide beekeepers, we need YOUR SUPPORT! CIBA pays speakers that we enlist at our meetings and seminars for presentations and expenses!

Make a beeline to join, as there is much in store for you in 2023! 

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